NS polytechnic college

The Department of Basic Science and Humanities

About the Department

The Department of Basic Science and Humanities is the foundation of engineering which binds subjects of universal application such as English, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Basic Computer and Environmental Sciences.

The members of the faculty regularly attend seminars, conferences, workshops and training programs on multi-disciplinary subjects. All the faculty members are highly dedicated to their work and are always willing to carry out any responsibility that may be entrusted to them.

Head of the Department

The Department of Basic Science and Humanities strive to provide the opportunity to appreciate the value of science and recognize the excellence in education to build their career in engineering to lead social responsibilities and harmony which adopting high values.

We are committed to provide quality education through an inherent variety of major courses. We also draw attention to moral integrity and ethics to prepare proficient and fully-rounded students who can lead in their respective field of study.

Mr. Nilkamal Mondal

Mr. Nilkamal Mondal

HOD Basic Science & Humanities Department

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Email : nspc.1styear.hod@gmail.com
Contact No : +91-9800758127

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